Sunday, February 13, 2011

Breaking Radio Silence

It's been a hard month. So much heartache, so much sorrow. Larry passed away a week and a half ago. Jeanne died suddenly and quite unexpectedly on Friday. And today we heard what we already knew--that Joanne will not last much longer.

I don't do crying well, but I've sure been getting a lot of practice. The smallest thing sets me off. One moment I'm fine, then a fleeting thought of someone I love in pain and I'm off again. In church this morning, it didn't help that I was sitting in the middle of a triangle of grieving spouses. It also didn't help that we sang In Christ Alone.
The last verse always gets me.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,

This is the power of Christ in me.

From life's first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny.

No power of hell, no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from his hand

Till he returns or calls me home.

Here in the power of Christ I stand.

Late last year, on the day of another friend's death, I ran across the picture above. What a powerful reminder that what is a sad day for us on earth is a happy homecoming for the one who has gone before. Can you see it on Jesus' face?
This morning Craig displayed this picture of another homecoming. In a way, I think this one's more accurate. Such joy, combined with such pain, must give a glimpse of how Jesus feels when we are finally in his arms.
Are you hurting? Can I pray for you? God knows my knees are calloused anyway.

1 comment:

Lisa Harris said...

So sorry for the losses in your life. What a powerful reminder, though, of the homecoming with their creator!