She came to us as a "used" dog, found on craigslist. She integrated seamlessly into our family, never giving any indication that she missed her old home. I suspect she was thrilled to be in a family that stayed home during the day and that she never had time to miss her old home. I also suspect that she was named "Missy" because she missed people when she was alone. The only time she would make noise those first years was when she was left alone in the back yard. She'd roam the fence line, whining to anyone who would listen that she needed company. Later, she took to barking once or twice to tell us she was happy we were home. After she went deaf, she would use her voice to tell us she needed to come in.
Missy had such a great temperament. She'd let the kids dress her in silly hats. She tolerated the chihuahuas we used to watch. She never gave anyone anything but love.
I'll miss the old girl. I already do.
1 comment:
Oh Patty. I am SO SORRY! Missy was the best dog & loved her too!
I am sad for you all...
I am sorry I have not been more aware of all you have gone through.
Hugs to you my sweet friend
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