Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Questions from a five-year old daughter

Are you looking at those words 'cuz you don't know what you're doing? (regarding the recipe while I was making cookies)

How old was I when you met me? (um, you're my child... you were pretty young)

Was I already in your tummy when you and Daddy got married? (We'd been married 15 years before she was born!)

Remember when I was playing on my tire swing, the one in Africa? (This child never lived in Africa - how can she remember the tire swing?)

When are we going to the playground. (Ah, that one's easy. Let's go right now!)


Kat said...

Wait until you get this one:
"What is God's last name?"
followed by
"Why doesn't he have one"
lol.....they really make you think about the simple things we take for granted.

Sandi said...

Very cute. She must have seen pictures of the tire swing! :)