Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Lot of Hot Air

Our government has had some stupid ideas over the years, but this one might top them all.

The EPA has proposed a cow tax on the notoriously flatulent beasts because of their carbon emissions. Are they kidding?

Are cows causing global warming?

I can just imagine where this could lead. You start taxing cows and you kills the dairy industry and the beef industry. Those food production projects go overseas, like to China, where safety regulations are much less strict.

If all the cows go to China, do they emit less carbon? Do Chinese cows have fewer digestive problems?

Is it just me, or would said cows still be emitting carbon into the air, only on the other side of the world? And what of the fossil fuels we'd be burning to import our beef and milk and cheese?

I know we have a lot of things to worry about, but I honestly don't see how taxing cow farts and burps makes us better off as a country or as a global society.


Dana Wyatt said...

Amen, sista'!

Kristi Weber said...

Wait until "they" decide to tax you and yours because you exhale CO2 and "pollute" the air.

A great argument for putting Intelligent Design into curriculum, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Do grass fed cows toot less? Maybe we should not feed them government subsidized corn...