Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I've finally come to grips with the fact that we are in this house to stay. So, instead of dreaming of how to increase our floor space, I'm decreasing our belongings...

Starting with books.

15 apple boxes full of books have made their way off the shelves so far... 5 for storage, 4 for the church garage sale, 3 for used book stores, and 3 boxes of homeschool books to sell to younger families.

I know I'll miss some of these books. I'll hunt for them and won't be able to find them. But then, I've been doing that already. It seems when there's a book I really need to lay my hands on, it's gone into permanent hiding. At least now I can blame my purge instead of my memory loss.


Papa John said...

Fifteen apple boxes? Did we have a "crate and cartons" miracle? (I only remember bringing three.) Actually, I am both admiring what you are doing and envying the minimalist outcome. I'm afraid my probem is that I'm so parsimonious I would want to recover the monitory value I place on each and every book, and that would defeat the entire project. I'm proud of you.

David said...

A little tip from your photographer brother....
I suggest you take a photo of the contents of each box, then name the file "donation_to_church." When you're looking for that book, or doing taxes, you'll have a photo record to refer back to.