Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Snooze Button

It's time to plant the garden. There's nothing in the weather forecast that agrees with me, just an internal alarm clock that tells me I need to plant NOW!

My first clue should have been the garden center. My daughter, the nursery cat and I were about the only ones hanging out in the vegetable section. And the cat wasn't buying. A bored worker wandered by every few minutes, glanced at the group of plants I'd chosen and stated, "Nice selection!" with great enthusiasm.

12 tomatoes
3 green chilis
1 eggplant
1 dill
1 rosemary
and a set of walla walla sweet onion starts

All sitting in the garden waiting for the downpour to end so I can put them in the ground.

Methinks I need to get my internal clock tuned up.


Kristi Weber said...

I planted patio pots Sunday. They're drowning!

Shelli said...

Oh Patty, I am so excited to plant a garden this year. We turned my 'old' chicken coop plot of dirt into a garden spot. Even got a rototiller over and tilled all that 5 years of chicken manure into the beautiful dirt! Working on a short little fence to keep the dog and maybe some cats out~