Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Protecting My Future

Our family runs on a four month dry erase calendar.

If it's on the calendar, it'll get done.

If it's not on the calendar, it'll never get done.

Every day is scribbled full of all our activities. Tomorrow, for example, reads:

Ortho (dontist)
youth group

Usually, I rotate the months every several weeks. Not this month, though. The writing on the wall runs July 1-October 31. It's time to erase and start again. I'm enjoying the illusion that the next four months stretch out empty before us, though I know it's just an illusion.

If you want me to do something with you or for you, be sure I check my calendar first. I've been known to double and triple book myself.

What's on your calendar today?


Dana Wyatt said...

Busy, busy, momma!

My schedule:

Nurse Lucas, feed the kids, nurse Lucas, play with the kids, prepare lunch, nurse Lucas, feed the kids lunch, nurse Lucas, put the kids down for a nap, nurse Lucas, make cookies for Geoffrey, nurse Lucas, "finish" laundry, nurse Lucas, get the kids up, nurse Lucas, make dinner, nurse Lucas, go to church, nurse Lucas, make Geoffrey dinner (he does UAS today), nurse Lucas, kids' baths, nurse Lucas, bed time.

I know it looks like a pattern...it really isn't.

Papa John said...

Wednesdays are usually pretty busy. I started with reading the daily news rag and moved on to reviewing my notes for the Bible lesson I teach this afternoon. I have to work on Oil Guild membership records 'cause I had three visitors/potential new members last night at that meeting and I didn't take complete notes. I've three or four filing and desk cleaning jobs lined up after that. I'm working on several outside pre-rain projects. I need to do a few tasks on/in/around the camper so I can put the winter tarp over the top soon (Note to self: buy some more mega-bungies for that chore). I'm keeping an eye peeled for a new yard bird we weren't able to identify. I have to prepare a new storage box for some unhoused paperback books in the attic. Before I stop at Michael's I need to check which tube paint colors I need the most to maximize my coupons. I left a mess on the workbench after repotting a hanging cactus yesterday so that has to be cleaned up. I'll bring in another half dozen plants from the arbor (only 12 or 15 more to go) so they are inside before the first frost. We'll leave in time to do lunch and run errands on the way to Senior Saints class. After the class (2:00 to 3:00) I'll begin listening to the ALCS playoff game on the radio while continuing the afternoon (Will the Texas Rangers go to the World Series for the first time?). It's back home to continue the tinkering tasks in the garage and yard clean up while Betty naps. I'll pull the utility trailer out to the arbor area in the back yard then and park where it will be ready for the next load of leaves. I need to be done at home by six so we can go to the evening Bible LIFE group (Dinner @ 6:30; Study @ 7:30) During transit to and fro we'll check on the NLCS ball game, on the radio to root for the San Fransisco Giants. Back home, I'll tidy up my morning study stack on the dining room table and finally sit down to watch whatever is left of the PBS program about the Boston Pops Orchestra (125 year celebration). After the 11:00 news and weather, bedtime and a few chapters of a book or two. Pillow prayers, and off to sleep. This week is easier than last week when Wednesday included Doctor appointments and other lengthy errands. I've probably forgotton something, but Hey, ya gotta be flexible. Maybe we need one of those wall hung daily planners too!

Papa John said...

Dana wins with "Nurse Lucas"!