Saturday, January 02, 2016

New Beginnings

As we ring in a new year, I turn the page in my Bible to start the book of Exodus. I am excited to leave the partiarchs behind and to see how God establishes covenant not only with one family, but with the nation that came from them. How appropriate that the reading in Exodus starts as the new year begins.

Only it doesn't always happen that way. Becuase the Jews use a lunar calendar, the Torah readings float to different dates (not in their year--in their year they stay the same, but relative to the western world, they shift). Next year, they won't reach Exodus until the middle of January. By then, I hope to be well into the New Testament.

I have no deep or astounding insights to share this week. Honestly, once we packed away the Menorah, we also packed our car and headed out on a 4,000 mile road trip to pick up kids from college and to spend Christmas with family. My Jewish year did not demand my attention and I did not offer it.

Now begins a long spell between holidays. I will try to post the Torah portion and my reflections each week as I am able. Otherwise, I look forward to Purim, Pesach, and Pentecost.

This Week's Torah Portion:
Exodus 1:1-6:1
Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23
Luke 5:12-39

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