Friday, March 27, 2009

Black Holes

I've always known there was a portal in the back of my dryer where socks can escape into another dimension. Turns out there are several other black holes, worm holes and portals in the house.

Obviously, there's got to be a warp in the time/space continuum. So many things go missing. I hunt and hunt for them. Then when I finally give up, the missing items show up right where they should have been in the first place.

The camera charger that went missing for 3 months. (ditto, the bluetooth charger)
The power cord that showed up in the same drawer I'd looked in 57 times.
The mapquest directions I printed off, then couldn't find. When I got home, they were the only thing sitting on my bed.

How do I switch these mysterious portals on and off? I'm missing a CD that I need to give to someone. And one of the kids' DSes. Are we sharing these items with an equally disorganized family in a parallel universe?

If so, I wish they'd go ahead and lost the stuff so we can get it back.

1 comment:

Kristi Weber said...

Avis would say at this moment,"It only gets worse."