Friday, September 03, 2010

Once and for All?

Apparently Stephen Hawking has written a new book in which he says that the laws of the universe, including gravity, made it possible for the universe to spontaneously create itself without any help from an outside being, a creator.

It comes as no surprise to me that he believes that. What did kind of strike me funny is that NPR posted a poll about it.

I took the poll, expecting it to read:

Do you believe the universe spontaneously created itself?

Instead, it said:

Stephen Hawking says God didn't necessarily create the universe. He is
I just don't know.

First of all, what kind of a loosy goosy question is that? There are loopholes in that big enough to slip a galaxy through. "Didn't necessarily?" Really?

Second--and this is what jarred me--God's existence doesn't depend on what we believe or don't believe about him. You remember what he told Moses?

I AM. I AM has sent you.

Our polls and opinions, our experiments and discoveries, do not alter what is true.


Linda Judd said...

Amen, Sister!

Papa John said...

I've got a poll for you to publish:

That Stephen Hawking doesn't necessarily understand God is evident in:
(A) The notion of laws pre-existing the universe they make possible. (So who made these laws?)
(B) Scientific claims of existance of the universe based upon non-causal spontaneity. (What are the chances of that?)
(C) Permitting an infinity of possible universes to serially exist until the present model finally (and conveniently) pops up in time to satisfy Dr. Hawking's current postulation and justify yet another book.
(D) Holding Physics to be sufficient to serve independently as creator of the universe without the need for a being (with personality) to whom Dr. Hawking or any other scientist/cosmologist need be responsible.
or (E) Sadly, All of the above.