Sunday, November 06, 2011

Help Wanted

HELP WANTED: older man,
low self-esteem. Speech
impediment a must. 
Experience as a prince 
and/or shepherd desirable.
Murderers welcome.

If we learn anything from reading through the Bible, from studying history, from experiencing how things work out in our own lives and the lives of people around us, it's that things are not always as they seem. And we're not the first ones to notice it. Thousands of years ago, people knew the same thing--that God cannot be explained.

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. (Isaiah 55:8)

No kidding.

Over and over, we read of the people he chose to do great things. He often chose the weak, the ugly, the unwanted, the unlikely, to accomplish his purposes. For one thing, he doesn't look for experience and qualifications, but for the potential of the heart. For another, no matter what raw materials he starts out with, God is able to mold, shape, and transform anybody into anything.

Join me on my other blog,, over the next few weeks. We'll be delving into the lives of people who, though totally unsuited for the tasks God had in store for them, were actually the perfect person for the job.

1 comment:

Papa John said...

I almost qualified - until the last line. Ummm, well, uh, if Jesus' take on this counts, I've pretty strongly disliked a couple of folk over the years, so maybe I could submit my application after all. But wait, I'd rather follow the story line and find out about these unsuitable heroes first. Sounds like fun. Count me in.