Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Elastic Time

I've decided time is stretchy. Sometimes it crawls by and others times I blink and a year is gone. It's already mid-April! And today, I feel like I woke up 10 minutes ago and it's time to tuck the kids in for the night.

I think it was in my 6th grade Bible class, there was a time line on the wall. All the events of history were scrunched into the first inch or so (we didn't know about centimeters then) but the line continued down the wall, around the corner, and across the opposite wall. Did you know that in a model of the solar system, if the sun was the size of a grapefruit and the earth the size of a sprinkle, the nearest star would be more than 3000 miles away?

My life compared to eternity would be infinitely smaller than a sprinkle. Kind of puts things in perspective.

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