Monday, September 24, 2007

Judge Not...

Last Tuesday I sat around a table with a bunch of moms talking about how inconceivable it was that a teen from our youth group got left behind on an activity. How could the van driver not count the children? How could the kids in the van not notice she was gone?


Fast forward 3 days.

I was sitting in a circle with my prayer group when a police officer walked in with a friend's child.

All the kids were running and playing outside. What trouble had this one made?

No trouble from the kid, turns out. He was using the bathroom at my house when his family and mine loaded up cars and left. I assumed we were driving the same kids we'd had earlier. His mom assumed he'd hopped in my car instead. The other kids noticed an empty seat, but no one said anything. They played hide and seek for an hour and didn't notice he wasn't just hiding well.

Lest I ever say, "I would NEVER do that..." I've had yet another dose of humble pie. As, I think, has his mother.

The funny thing was, one of the first things this child said when reunited with his mom was, "I knew that was going to happen some day."

Thank you officer for reuniting this family. Thank you neighbor for calling the police. Thank you God that nothing horrible happened and for the reminder that I should never say I'll NEVER do that, for each one of us is capable of doing all those things we think we'd never do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I would never" is an instant jinx.....
This is where I see God as having that "oh yeah, we will just see about that" sense of humor.....

There but by the grace of God go I............