Tuesday, October 14, 2008


  1. In early spring, prune grape vines.
  2. As new sprouts grow, train them along existing wires
  3. Water generously.
  4. Shoo away birds, squirrels and children.
  5. Wait for first frost.
  6. Harvest grapes.
  7. Rinse and remove from stems.
  8. Fill dehydrator with stemless grapes.
  9. Dry 12 hours, then 12 more, and probably another 12 after that, turning each grape by hand periodically.

Yield: 1 cup of raisins.


Jenna Bunner said...

this is funny. I read it to the kids and they enjoyed it, too. Did the raisins taste really good?

Patty said...

They actually are good - tarter and smaller than raisins from the store. But I have a new appreciation for what a bargain these little fruits are.