Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Cutting Apron Strings

If it weren't for non-stop flights from here to Nana's house, I never would have let her go. But since there are non-stop flights (and the added blessings of Southwest Airlines allowing parents and grandparents to go to the gate), one of my twins went to Nana's a few days ahead of the family for some extra spoiling and some quilting instruction.

She swore she wasn't nervous to fly alone. She didn't have to be. I was nervous for her.

She thought of taking her art supplies, her DS, her book, her math homework, and the chewing gum from my Christmas stocking. But she forgot her comb. And her watch. And the answers to her math homework.

She used a pay phone for the first time. And learned to watch airport signs for the information she might need. And got there without any problems.

She'll be fine. I know. She'll try her wings and enjoy the freedom.

I'm just not too sure about me.


Jenna Bunner said...

wow! Aaron was looking at me with big eyes, like, I'm no so sure about that! :) Good step, mom. Hope you guys have a good visit. I assume in NM, right?

Papa John said...

Yesterday was a big step for Bethany - and her parents. She is experienced in air travel, she is in the bosom of Nana and Papa Ted, and thus quite safe. There is little to fear except seeing one's little one(s) grow up, become independent and successful (bit-by-bit), and fly from the nest.

I would't call yeasterday "cutting the apron strings" but something more like lengthening the leash as more opportunity for growth and practical experience presents itself. She did fine as the reassuring call a few hours later confirmed.

On the other hand, when Bethany's Momma left home for college, her daddy was devastated for days and weeks. Yesterday was not like that. She only took a short hop, so to speak. Nothing permanent, yet! Relax, Mom, for now.

Greg Bailey said...

Hard to watch them grow up isn't it? It is all going too quickly! When are y'all comingto Brownwood? Blessings to all for 2009!

Sandi said...

Wow -- big step!! I flew sorta by myself to AK at 14...