Thursday, January 22, 2009

If You See Santa...

...would you tell him thank you?

He arranged for a piano tuner to come and now, not only do we have a perfectly tuned piano, we also spent a lovely afternoon learning from a very interesting man.

Rodger has been tuning piano for 24 years, but his mother drove him to work on Monday. That's because Rodger, like most (if not all) of the piano tuners in our area, is blind. He is a master at his job, able to hear the tones of the piano above ongoing conversations, ringing phones and humming children.

He treated us to a couple of beautiful pieces before he left and promised to return if anything slips out of tune. If you want to know how to reach Rodger, drop me a line and I'll give you his number.

So, if you see Santa, would you thank him for us? He gave a beautiful gift.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

How fascinating!!