Saturday, January 03, 2009

I'm done with Winter

How many days until winter is over? We had the snowiest December on record, followed by snow on New Year's Day and the day after. I love the snow. I do. But I'm already itchin' for spring.

Am I wishing my life away? Or am I setting myself up for life as a snow bird?

The seed catalogs arrived yesterday. That could be part of my problem - all those colorful pictures of fruits and flowers tempting me with promises of a beautiful spring. Before I finish perusing their glossy catalogs, I'll have circled something on every page.

Meanwhile, I'll put on my gloves and turn on the tea kettle.

1 comment:

Papa John said...

First day of Spring will be March 20th. Ground will be warm enough to plant by the end of May. I think your catalogs are going to be plenty tattered by then. Oh, yeah, don't start your seeds inside too soon 'cause you dont want to be planting spindly, light starved, vine-like, skinny tomato plants, etc.
You are just having a fit of cabin fever. Solution? Hot tea, good book, soft music, and let your vegging out for now substitute for growing veggies later, at least until things warm and the sun returns.