Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Top Ten

December 10
Across the Red Sea and into Sinai, Moses led God’s people. You’d think they would be happy to be freed from slavery, but they sure did complain a lot. They were thirsty, they were hungry, but when God gave them water and food, they complained about that, too. They camped around Mount Sinai while God spoke to Moses, telling him all the laws the people should follow.
God gave a lot of laws, all of them to help the people live happy, holy lives, but there were 10 main ones that we call the 10 commandments. The Israelites proved pretty quickly that they couldn’t even keep the 10 laws. In fact, they broke the 1st commandment while God was speaking!
Even as they melted their jewelry down to build an idol to worship, God was already planning to give a better solution for his people to come back to him.
Today’s Ornament – The 10 Commandments
Today’s Bible Verse – James 2:10
For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

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