Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I need some help... prize offered!

I recently launched my website (pattyslack.com) because that's what writers do. I imbedded a blog in it so I would have a place to write.

Problem is, what do I write on the blog? This (scribblings) is my blog for family and friends, my place to rattle on about whatever tickles my fancy. My website blog needs to be focused, though. It needs to have a purpose, a theme, a ...

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm already bored and it's MY website.

I'd love your help kicking around some ideas. What should be the central theme of my website's blog?

Here are a couple of things that have crossed my mind, but I'm open to (almost) all suggestions.

1. Write about writing (or editing)... honestly, this has been done. I don't think I can really add much to the discussion. I want to break out of the "writers write about writing" rut and do something different, something I can sink my heart into.

2. Find the central theme of all my books and write about that. (Problem is this: I have a book on a voodoo priestess, one on hoarding, one on a woman feeding the homeless, and a mystery story for young girls. I'm having trouble identifying a central theme.)

3. Finding beauty in the mundane-- stories or snippets about seeing God's hand at work in every day events

4. ???

5. Blogging my way through the Bible (or Oswald Chambers or...)

6. P.S. - God's Continuing Story, inspirational stories of God at work around the world (I love this idea, but I don't know where I'd come up with enough stories to tell)

7. Post chapters of one of my manuscripts as sample reading... not sure which one (or possibly podcasting one of my manuscripts)

8. Something about homeschool, though this has been done a lot too and doesn't have anything to do with what I write.

9. Life lessons (there's already one by that name, but I could come up with a different name, maybe make it a little humorous, a little serious a la Everything I Needed to Know...)

10. Your choice. You know me (maybe). What do you think I'd be good at sharing on an ongoing basis?

I'll randomly choose a winner (of unspecified prize) from among all those who leave a comment either here or on Facebook. Deadline is a week from today, Wednesday, August 18.


Linda Judd said...

I think that God's Continuing Story is a great theme and broad enough that you could incorporate some of the thoughts you mention in #3 (beauty in the mundane) and, possibly #9 (life lessons), too.

Papa John said...

Without naming names, of course, write about people you know, developing them as you would a character in a book, showing their character, activities, motives, personalities, and uniqueness.

brenvanc said...

I like John's idea but rather than people you know, do it on your characters in your books. Even if you can't find a common theme in the books, I would think your characters would have more in common than you'd think.

Perhaps introducing and fleshing out the characters as if they were real people with lives or even doing a blog from their point of view ... and getting feedback from your readers on their impresssions -- maybe even doing polls.

It wouldn't even have to be only characters you have already written into your stories. Think of all those characters that you had to remove because you had too many. They could live again!

Johnathan M. Thomas said...

Good question... What to write about? I would help but I have my own writers block. If I have an idea, I'll let you know after I write it. :)

I'm bouncing back and forth with several ideas. As you already noted, there are many subjects that have been covered on the WWW. Yet, there seems to be a gigantic hole on "good story" ideas today.

I've always wanted to write fictional stories about the peoples lives in the scripture who encountered Jesus only to never be heard of again... Like the paralytic who Jesus healed in Matthew 9... After he left, what did he do? Did he fix the hole in the roof his friends dug out? Or what about the woman who was caught in adultery... Jesus said to her, "go and sin no more." What happened with that? Did she ever sin again?

My guess is, writing about stuff like that might get you in trouble. Tread with caution.

Whatever you do, write with the risk of being read or not, agreed with or condemned, accepted or rejected. Write when it's confusing and when it's clear as glass. Write with ambition when you encounter conflict and bring the resolve that everyone's life demands.


Johnathan M. Thomas said...

by the way... I think you should offer, for you prize, a basket from Uganda! wink, wink!

Patty said...

Thanks for the suggestion on the prize, johno, but that basket is busy on another adventure and is going to be pivotal in raising awareness and support for the work in Uganda. Stay tuned!

Dana Wyatt said...

I also like John's idea and Brenda's spin on it...a "people watching" of sorts. You'd have an endless supply of people and stories to write about! I know that when you've shared stories that other people have shared with you I always feel like I am getting it "first hand". You are a GREAT story teller. Your subjects can be from life, from your stories, from interesting characters in books you've read. Of course this would give you an opportunity to share about God and how you've seen him working in your subjects' lives! Really, I think with this idea you have an opportunity to combine many of the ideas you proposed.

Grammajo said...

I hope you get the help you are looking for...I only know that whatever you choose to write, I will enjoy reading. You are a gem.