Thursday, July 13, 2006

on writing

It took me over three years to complete a first draft on my first novel manuscript. This week, I finished my second one. It took six months. Does that mean my next one will take three months and the one after that only six weeks?

I don't write much about my writing here, but finishing a manuscript (even if it is just the first draft) is a huge milestone to me. I now have three weeks to get ready for my writers' conference.

To Do

Finish first draft of Home Fires manuscript.


Write a synopsis of the story.


Order business cards.


Draft and polish a book proposal.

Polish first three chapters of manuscript.

Research agencies, publishers, and editors who will be at conference.

Start 2nd draft.

Keep ears open for ideas for project #3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this impressive milestone! I'm sure you must feel both excited and relieved.

I finished Tisha this a couple of nights ago. What a climactic ending! It gave me a bit of insight into you. How old were you when you first read it?