Wednesday, August 30, 2006


You know those puzzles where all the pieces fit together until you dump them out on the table and try to put them back in again?

That's what just happened to my living room.

3 lamps.

3 chairs.

A futon.

A piano.

A dog bed.

2 violins.

A harp.

And two trunks. All fit perfectly in place until I decided it was time to rearrange the furniture.

I needed help moving the piano, so once it was in its new spot and my husband left for work, I was stuck with that decision. Picture the tanagram with one piece glued down, whether it's in the right place or not. Now picture having to move the remaining pieces around it without going outside the lines.

Twenty tries later, I finally solved the puzzle. (Is it considered solved if you throw two pieces out in the process?)


Cheryl said...

I LOVE to rearrange furniture. True confession: I often find myself rearranging the furniture of whatever room I am sitting in, in my mind... It is like a puzzle...

Hope you like your outcome!

David said...

Let me guess...
The pieces thrown out were the dog bed and a chair?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what did you throw out? Lamp? Futon? Where will I sleep when i come visit? :(