Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Not News

Oregon just reelected its encumbant governor, Ted Kulongoski. The day after the campaign, he actually said the samrtest thing I've heard from any politician in a long time.

As you may know, we in the Northwest have had a very wet week. Rivers have flooded, roads washed out, houses have tumbled into streams and oceans. The governor declared a state of emergency. But first, he said something like this:

"This is Oregon. It rains in Oregon. It has rained in Oregon for as long as I remember. The Wilson River has overflowed its banks in heavy rain for as long as I can remember. The media has taken this yearly occurance and blown it up into a television event.

"Rain in Oregon is not news."

There you go, folks. Rain in Oregon is not news. It's supposed to rain in Oregon. Aren't you glad there's a man out there to keep this straight for us?

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