Sunday, November 19, 2006

Walking Together

Hot air tanks breathed fire with hissing breath into the belly of a great balloon overhead. Other floating behomeths descended on the city in the warming morning air, their fatness rounding out the ever-changing Albuquerque skyline.
It's been 20 years since my first visit to this beautiful city. We chased a balloon then, Edwin and I, thrilling in new experiences and young love. I didn't like the Southwest on that first visit. It was too dry, too brown, too foreign. The family was so loud and there were so MANY of them. Some things take time to grow on you, though.
Now the family is even bigger since we and Edwin's siblings have added 13 little ones to the mix. They come with their quirks and personalities and I love them all. The city has grown on me, too. I love the sight of chilis hanging from every porch, the scent of sagebrush, horses, and dust, the taste of beans and chilis and fresh tea.
We walked beneath the balloons this morning, a brisk morning stroll, slower than 20 years ago, but quicker than 20 years hence. I'm glad I've gotten to know this place, these people. I'm happy that it's still Edwin by my side.

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Patty you make me smile! You have such a beatiful way with words.
I love you!!