Monday, April 20, 2009

Easy Fix

For the past two years, I've been clenching my teeth at night. I wake up every morning with a sore jaw and the feeling that I've been stressed all night without knowing why.

Last week I broke a filling. I went into the dentist for a new filling  but when I got home, something was off. I went back again and had them grind the filling down so I could touch my teeth together on the other side of my mouth.

And guess what?

No more clenching my jaw at night. No more headache or clicking jaw.

Turns out I wasn't stressed at all! I just had a high filling for the last two years.

Don't you wish all solutions were that easy? That one day we'd wake up and realize we could easily end the recession by trimming out fingernails? Or end world hunger by tapping the heels of our shoes together? Or lose weight by making a wish on a falling star?

Oh well, at least I'm not stressed!


Shelli said...

I am so happy for you...what a relief!
But, what I don't get is how does a patient get a filling and the Dentist doesn't make sure there is no high spots? My dentist is meticulous about making sure there are no high spots...
I am sorry you had to suffer for so long!

Linda Judd said...

Whew! Glad you have some relief from that miserable situation.

Papa John said...

And just where IS that falling star?