Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Down

I spent the last two weeks caring for a coughing, sneezing, sniffling, headache, fever, can't get any rest child. No sleep at night, coughing until her lungs hurt and her stomach muscles cramped. She's all better, but the other two just got the same bug.

Does this mean two more weeks of sleepless nights? Two more weeks of worrying if everyone is washing hands enough? Two more weeks of isolation?

I hope not. Pray for quick recoveries and plenty of rest for everyone.

Excuse me now. I have to go wipe down some surfaces.


Papa John said...

We're always a-praying for your family, and we'll continue to mention recovery from these lingering "colds" daily. Sorry for your family misery lately.

Shelli said...

Sorry for the "crud" you have going around. You might suggest to your charming hubby to QUITE LICKING THE KIDS FACES! Maybe the spread of germs would lighten a bit.