Thursday, May 20, 2010

Licking the Spoon

It was one of those moments when I was the kid and she was the grown up, though she's my daughter. I don't know if it's that I've drilled into her that you don't lick the spoon (raw eggs and all that) or if she just doesn't share my love for unbaked baked goods.

This morning, she made the cookies and I licked the spoon. Chocolate Oat no-bake cookies (David Cookies, as they were known at our house growing up) don't have any ingredients to be afraid of... not if you don't count the cup of butter and the 4 cups of sugar.

So I stood over the sink and licked the spoon.

It tasted just like childhood.


Shelli said...

I LOVE licking the spoon!
Who's the picture of? It's not Tabitha, is it you as a youngster?

Papa John said...

There's a really long history of spoon lickin' in your gene pool, Patty. Your great grandmother Gail taught me. I always got to lick my own spoons when baking "Johnnie Cake" which was my Grandma Wyatt's recipe. My momma always licked the main spoon before she shared smaller spoons with Marty and me. Your mother has always loves the batter more than the cake. (I'm sure she got this from Grannie Ruth), so it was seldom your mother woujld leave a portion from her baking projects - especially cookies!. And then my kids developed this uncanny sense of when to crowd around the mixing bowls, after which I rarely got to lick a spoon any more. Now the trait (and the right) rests with your daughters. How nice of Tabby to leave you a little. Sigh.