Friday, November 15, 2013

A Season of Thanks, Day 15

I fan myself as I wait for Tom Robinson's verdict in the balcony of the Maycomb County courthouse.

I stand on the balsa deck of the Kon Tiki and drink in the sight of the first land I have seen in a hundred days.

I stroll through the gardens of Hollingford, dig in the dirt of Misselwaithe Manor, step through the wardrobe into the snow. I share a lifeboat with a tiger. I carry the ring to Mount Doom. I hike the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, walk across Africa, and climb Mount Everest. I fly to the moon and beyond. I sail to the land of the Wild Things in my bed and go on adventures with my purple crayon. I look out the dormer windows of my room in Avonlea.

I step into worlds like Alice steps into the looking glass. I rediscover adventure whenever I open the pages of one of my favorite books. I lose myself in the story, only to find myself again.

I thank God for words that paint a thousand pictures.

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story...

Psalm 107:2

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