Monday, February 20, 2006


Yesterday was Sunday, the day we meet together in groups all around the world to remember Christ's death and resurrection. "The Lord's Supper is the reason we meet together." I've heard that all my life, but it hasn't always been my experience. Often it feels like communion gets tucked away in the middle of the service as a point of business. The focus of our time together shifts between the singing and the sermon.

But not yesterday.

Instead of a time of quiet introspection, we were asked to recognize the other members of Christ's body. We spent about 10 minutes answering this question--

"What has Jesus been doing in your life lately?"

And you know what I found? It was easy for me to talk about what is going on. It was easy for me to talk about what I've seen happening in other people's live. It was easy for me to say, "God is working." But to talk about Jesus in a present, personal way was hard.

Why is that? I think I've let the world dictate to me, even in my walk of faith, what is acceptable and unacceptable to say out loud. It's OK to say that God is working in his world. That's a given among people of many faiths. Even those who worship many gods agree with that statements. But as soon as I say the name Jesus, I've narrowed things down to one path, one faith, one hope.

Jesus is not about closing doors. He's about opening the door to eternal possibilities. That's good news. It's news worth saying out loud.

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