Sunday, January 08, 2006

Like Daddy, Like Daughters

We were at Home Depot yesterday. The first Saturday of each month, they provide projects for kids to build. Of course our three kids chose three different projects and each one needed help. Bethany was the most independent, so Edwin helped Tabitha while I worked with Jessica.

Jessica and I worked together on a box. (I would tell you that it has a secret bottom, but then it wouldn't be a secret.) Talk about a clash. I was frustrated that Jessica wasn't hitting the nail straight. She was frustrated that I wasn't holding the wood straight. Together, we were getting nowhere on the box. In fact, Tabitha finished her project before Jessie and I even got 2 boards nailed together.

Dun-da-dun! Edwin to the rescue!

Instead of telling her how not to hit the nail, he showed her how to do it better.

I know he doesn't feel perfect and he feels impatient a lot of the time. But most of the time, he's fun, he's firm and he's a model of what a child of God should be like.

I want to learn that kind of patience. I want to be someone my girls would like to imitate. Maybe when I grow up, I can be like Edwin, too.


Jenna Bunner said...

man, I wish I knew you'd been posting so often! Thank you for sharing your gift of words.

Sandi said...

I'm with Jenna, Patty! You didn't sound very promising about your blogging in your e-mail! Now I'll check more often. Love you and miss you.

Anonymous said...

What a blessing you are!