Sunday, January 22, 2006

What Goes Around...

It was all over the news-- the big broadcasters all picked it up and it spread (I'm sorry, but I have to say it) like wildfire. I first heard the story from a friend in Botswana.

A man in New Mexico was burning leaves and taking care of some other things around the house. When he saw a mouse, he caught it and tossed it in the burn pile. The mouse caught fire, but instead of burning to a crisp in one place like a good little rodent, he decided to share the warmth. He ran-- you guessed it-- straight back into the house, which caught fire and burned to the ground.

The truth of this story is questionable. It was reported as truth, then the man changed his story and then changed it back again. That's too bad. It was a better story when it was 100% solid. It's a perfect preacher story for those who believe in God's immediate wrath. A classic example of why we should all believe in karma.

What goes around, comes around.

I was sitting in a donut shop with a friend yesterday laughing with (at?) her about the time she went to church with curlers in her hair. I pulled a story from my archives to tell about another friend who had walked out of a major department store with a bra hooked to his cell phone. I'm glad I'm never absent minded.

Guess what? This morning in Bible class, I looked down and saw that my skirt was on inside out!

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