Friday, January 27, 2006


At heart, I'm a list maker. But somewhere along the way, I got out of the habit. Maybe it was having kids and not wanting the list to overshadow time with them. Because, let's face it, I can really only concentrate on one thing at a time. And if there's a list of things to accomplish, you'd better get out of my way!

So, lists were reserved for special occasions like spring cleaning or preparing for a move. But I find great satisfaction in crossing items off a TO DO list. I think I get that from Mom who taught me by example to add things you've already finished to your list just so you get to cross them off.

They don't call it freelance writing for nothing. When I sit down to write, I am often distracted by anything and everything-- email, internet, even this blog. My mind and my mouse wander free. So, I made a list of goals for this week. Not an intrusive list. Most of it can be accomplished before the kids wake up, but just something to keep me on track.

1. Write 3 scenes for "Home Fires"
2. Write 1 article
3. Contact Pat S. about interview
4. Exercise 5 times
5. Complete week 7 in Beth Moore Study
6. Arrange and pull off birthday party

I've only exercised 3 times so far this week, but I've got 2 days left, so that one's not hopeless. And my study book for the Beth Moore study isn't even here yet, so that one's out of my hands. But everything else is checked off and I'm feeling pretty good.

You don't think I should add dishes or laundry to my list, do you?



Cathy Messecar said...


I saw your post on Mike Cope's, followed it to your blog, and wanted to introduce myself.

I'm a freelance writer, too, although a bit older than you...

At Mike's blog, your choice of Wonderful, Merciful Savior as a favorite song roused my attention. I can barely stay on my feet or seat when we sing "falling before his throne."

I've marked your blog as a favorite and will check back. I'd like to post it as a favorite on mine, may I?

Cathy Messecar

Patty said...


It's nice to meet you. Isn't it wonderful to make family connections with people we've never seen? Heaven's going to be so fun, getting to know everyone.

You're welcome to post my blog on your blog. I'm leaving you a comment on your sign language Christmas post.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Check to see if comments to Patty's Blog works.