Saturday, September 30, 2006

no longer a beginner

You know how when you start something new, it's awkward and strange and you're sure you'll never catch on? Like long division or riding a bike or doing a cartwheel?

Or running through the basics of martial arts? When we started TaeKwonDo a few months ago, I had to twist my body in all sorts of directions I never imagined. In fact, the way I learned how to do certain moves was to imagine how I thought they should be done and do the opposite. My arms wanted to go every which wrong way.

But, just like teacher Tony said, practice brings understanding and skill. And today we were rewarded with a little recognition of that skill-- yellow belts.

So, I'm nowhere near an expert, but I'm learning. And I'm proud of my 54 sit-ups in 90 seconds, my 43 push-ups in the same amount of time (not the girly kind either), going through my forms and sparring with tough guys. Okay, they weren't really sparring back, so that might not count.

I'm happy to change from looking like a marshmallow, to a marshmallow with a yellow belt.


Papa John said...

Congratulations! How many yellow belts did your family achieve?

Patty said...

Four of 'em!