Tuesday, January 02, 2007

so long, farewell

Do you know many times I baked cookies in December? I can count at least a half dozen times. Each time I swore I wouldn't eat any... I was just doing it for the kids.


All the gingerbread and sugar and butter and lovely treats dipped in chocolate enticed me and I couldn't hurt their feelings by ignoring them.

But now, alas, they're gone. All except the M&Ms and the Kissables who will wait politely in their bags until we invite them out.

Sleep well, cookie cutters. I'll see you next December. Good night, beautiful angels, sugar sprinkles and twinkle lights. You all brought magic into our home for a short time. We'll think of you throughout the year, but keep you tucked away.

Right now, I don't miss you. But I know in a few months I will. Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. And right now, I'm longing for sunny days and my little garden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm weather is just around the corner! Hang in there! I love reading your blog. S