Thursday, May 18, 2006

At Home

I think one of the ways you know you're settling into a new place is that you can swap babysitting. We went through a spell of about 4 years when we only got out without the kids about once a year. It takes so long to build up trust enough to leave your most precious assets with someone.

Today, I felt at home in that way. My kids were with friends all day . Friends that I trust implicitly (sometimes more than I trust myself). Then tonight I was able to return the favor and keep another family's children.

It just feels right. Sigh.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Patty -- I know what you mean. I am so thankful to have friends that I can even call at the drop of a hat to keep Caden for me. I have several stay-at-home mom friends that swap around so we can go to a doctor's appointment or even just to get out. I can't imagine what it would feel like not having that luxury. I'm thankful that you've found good friends to leave your girls with as well.