Sunday, May 14, 2006

Divine Appointments

I'm looking over the classes offered at a writing conference I'll be attending this summer. I've had my 1st choice in mind for a long time, but I'm having trouble narrowing down my 2nd and 3rd classes. Is there a right and wrong choice? A better and worse choice? Or do I just toss a dart at the board and pick the class that gets stabbed?

If I'm to believe that God orchestrates meetings and opportunities, then there may, in fact, be a right choice. Problem is, I'm not privy to that information.

How do you navigate decisions when it's not a question of good and bad? Many years ago, Doyle Kee said something that has stayed with me. "Sometimes there is no right or wrong choice. In those cases, you should place yourself firmly in the will of God, take one path or the other, and be faithful."

So I'll pray about my choice, write down my #s beside certain classes and pray for God to be glorified in my writing and in my life no matter where I am.

1 comment:

Jenna Bunner said...

I have come to all the conclusions you have, Patty. But I do think that if we come to a point in life where we don't know the way to go (assuming I am walking in the light, having placed myself in his will for my life in general), that we can pray and he will lead us to certain decisions -- (by instilling the desire maybe? and the peace?) -- with the big life-changing decisions. This is all too real for you and us these last years of our lives!
Now as to "smaller" decisions, like what classes to take, or what wreath to buy, I think there are no wrong decisions if all of our life is based on solid God-centered principles (good stewardship, unselfishness, etc.).
For things that happen out of our control or decision-making realm, I believe there is such a thing as chance. I heard Monte say once that the Bible mentions chance a few times, but mentions the notion of providence, or God-sovreignty, many, many times. So I believe in giving God the credit for everything that happens, so that he may be glorified in even the small details of my life. But I don't necessarily talk about it all the time (posting about it was an exception for me), because I do understand that some things God does as a private, sweet thing that isn't meant for publication.
Do you think we should differentiate between "big" and "small" decisions? I would say no, except that I have experienced the difference in my own life.